
Localization is essential for medical equipment documentation, pharmaceutical and general medical documentation, as well as for websites, popular scientific literature, marketing, advertising texts, and any other materials that require enhanced accessibility and ease of use for the target audience. The user will not feel as if the materials were translated from one language to another; the materials will be perceived as if they were originally presented in the user’s native language.

Localization aims to make the material as comprehensible as possible for people from the intended country. To provide this service, we engage only native speakers of the target language with a profound understanding of the cultural and linguistic characteristics of the country and its people.

Specialists at MEDTRANSLATE follow the steps mentioned below in the localization of medical and pharmaceutical texts:

  • Country-specific linguistic support and compliance with national standards of the target country;
  • Adherence to the laws of the target country regarding goods, media, press, personal data, etc.;
  • Adaptation of the interface to the writing system of another country, taking into account language rules and dialects.

In our company, localization is carried out by the following specialists:

  • Linguists who are native language speakers and bearers of the culture of the respective country;
  • Highly skilled translators and editors, including medical professionals with extensive experience in translating medical materials;
  • Specialists dealing with terminology.

Accurately executed localization of medical materials, as offered by MEDTRANSLATE, contributes to increased demand for the promoted product, ensures its high consumer qualities, and helps meet the expectations of the target consumer.

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Professional linguistic support for medical and pharmaceutical businesses

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