Subtitles translation

Translation of subtitles is used for videos and audio clips.

Our company masterfully handles this intricate task. Translators work not only with text, but also with video material, and their tasks include:

  • Accurate representation of all idiomatic and lexical nuances;
  • Use of simple syntactic constructions;
  • Complete alignment with the language register being used;
  • Translation of all significant visual elements in the scene (signs, labels, pointers, etc.);
  • Timing the start and end of subtitle display to match the speech tempo in the dialogue, considering pauses, sound effects, without disrupting the scene’s drama but fully aligning with it.

Experienced stenographers transcribe the text of an audio recording in an easy-to-read form, omitting filler words or clauses. The resulting transcript can be published, translated into another language, or reworked into an article.

Trust the professionals!

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For highly professional translation of medical and pharmaceutical texts, we are your best choice!


Professional linguistic support for medical and pharmaceutical businesses

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For highly professional translation of medical and pharmaceutical texts, we are your best choice!

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